Mills Family Law Firm

Mills Family Law is a dedicated family law and divorce firm that specializes in helping our clients navigate the emotional and legal challenges that arise at the end of a marriage or marriage-like relationship.

The Mills Family Law Approach

Mills Family Law is committed to delivering compassionate and client-centered legal services that meet your unique needs and goals. We are experienced in dealing with all of family law issues. At Mills Family Law we represent clients at all levels of court in British Columbia to achieve results regardless of your dispute – from parenting arrangements and support claims to complex asset disputes and everything in between.

Most importantly, the team at Mills Family Law strives to provide compassionate legal services that reflect your specific needs. Each of our clients has their own story with unique personal and legal challenges. To this end, we work closely with our clients to understand their needs, wants, and goals so we can deliver supportive, intelligent, and creative legal services that fit our clients’ unique circumstances.

Experience Across All Family Law Issues

The Mills Family Law team are experienced litigators with the skills and resources to deliver the very best legal services regardless of your particular situation. We also strive for a collaborative approach that mitigates stress and trauma for your whole family. There are many approaches to resolving family conflict which is why at Mills Family Law we use our extensive experience in divorce and family law litigation to resolve issues as well as collaborative law and mediation services.

Comprehensive Legal Services

Whether you have an amicable relationship with your former-spouse or you are engaged in high-conflict, high net-worth dispute resolution, Mills Family Law has the toolkit necessary to deliver solutions that protect your best interests. We serve all of British Columbia, both in-person and remotely. We provide a range of legal services including independent legal advice, guidance for self-representation, mediation and collaborative law, and full-scope litigation.

I highly recommend Nathanael Mills if you want a professional lawyer who really cares not only for your case but also for you as a person."

- K. M.